January 28th, 2004, international movie star, Mr. Sammo Hung has been invited to be our honorary consultant.

From April to May, 2004, we hosted a Mother's Day celebration event in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.

August 8th, 2004, LCW INC. has invited Hong Kong TV star Joyce Mina Godenzi to be our spokewoman for our new product. The contract signing news conference was held at the Pacific Palms Conference Resort in Los Angeles. In attendance include Mr. Sammo Hung and about 200 UFRESHCENTER loyal custsomers.

Joyce Mina Godenzig hosted event to share her life experience as a contestant in beauty peagent, her career, family. Many fans turned out at the event to meet with her.

Joyce Mina Godenzig at the autograph session in San Francisco.

Many exciting fans in New York.